Other news: Fundraising complete & more updating

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Other news: Fundraising complete & more updating

Fundraising for Yubaraj complete!!

It's absolutely wonderful to have reached our fundraising goal of $7,700! On Thursday, April 4, 2007, we capped the donations for Yubaraj at $7,960. We've created a budget that breaks this amount down over 7 years of Yubaraj's schooling (the GiveMeaning Budget tab shows some details, and a very detailed accounting is available upon request). It's a challenge to anticipate costs too precisely over that length of time, with inflation and currency fluctuations to consider, too, but I think we've done a good job of anticipating costs and I'm comfortable that with the careful use of funds we'll be successful in supporting Yubaraj through the end of high school. Would anyone like to join me at his graduation, in the spring of 2014?!

Fingers crossed for next week's exam

First things first, though: he'll need to show he's ready to being 6th grade on next week's entrance exam. He's taking tutoring classes 6 days a week, and will have received 4-5 weeks' of tutoring support since late-February's evaluation showing 4th grade level skills. That's alot of ground to cover so our fingers are crossed for him. We'll keep everyone posted as the results come in.

Helping more children

On Thursday I added a note to our GiveMeaning site and blog that additional donations would be applied towards educational costs for more students in Bethan, and already we've received $200 towards that "new project." We'll be working out a plan for distributing funds to the school teacher in Bethan (Mr. Karki). The logistics of that will be very straightforward, but some careful decisions will be needed to ensure that we're distributing those funds fairly. We're interested in helping Yubaraj's sisters and brother and it would be appropriate at this stage to make sure the entire community feels good about our contributions and that will mean using some of those funds to offset monthly fees for more than just those four children. The monthly cost per child is about $15, so already we have enough funds to help several children. We'll keep everyone posted as a plan comes together.

That's all for now. I hope each of you tracking our progress with this project feels a sense of accomplishment that our efforts to invest in Yubaraj's future are well-funded. There's alot of work to be done -- both for Yubaraj and for all of us who will be guiding him through the next years of his education -- and all of us involved are excited that it's underway!